Christ Is Still The King
Words and Music by Rebecca J. Peck and Dianne Wilkinson
© Copyright Thomas Peck Music (BMI) and Christian Taylor Music (BMI)
Verse 1
Earth may have its kingdoms
Hell may wage its wars
But they can never hinder
The power of the Lord.
He will not be shaken
His truth will never fail
Rest in the assurance
That Jesus will prevail
The Word still has the answers
The blood alone still saves
God is still our refuge
And the gospel still remains
Souls can still be rescued
For mercy still redeems
Rejoice the tomb’s still empty
And Christ is still the king
Verse 2
Never be discouraged
Or let your heart forget
There is hope and vict’ry
For Jesus conquered death
He'll return in power
But ‘til that glorious day
Lift His banner higher
Stand strong and keep the faith
Unchanging and unmoving
Sov’reign and supreme
Our hope and our salvation
We still declare we still believe